Shark Tooth Creek Outdoor Adventures
County: Pickens | Attraction Types: Outdoor Recreation

Aliceville, AL 35442
Typically when a group comes to Shark Tooth Creek we meet at our pavilion complete with restrooms, showers, cooking facilities and picnic tables. Then Mr. Ken gathers everyone around and gives the group a short talk explaining why there are shark teeth in this area, 300 miles from the beach! We then show everyone some examples of the shark teeth and fossils they will be looking for and answer any questions. At that point everyone gets on board the “Shark Tooth Creek Express” for the short hayride down to the creek.
Activities include: camping, fishing, swimming and canoeing. Visits by appointment only.
Address: 24114 AL Hwy 14 East Aliceville, AL 35442
Phone: (205) 373-2605
Latitude: 33.1413383 | Longitude: -88.1640625
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